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Image by Neslihan Gunaydin



This service includes tilling the soil to break up clumps of soil, remove weeds and mix the first few inches of the soil

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Fresh From Your Own Yard

Grow your own fruit, vegetables and herbs, using the space you already have. 

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Nathan Lindsey

About Dig Deep

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Dig Deep was founded in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic. The founder saw essential services that we take for granted could easily be disrupted by a disaster. He also saw how running simple errands such as a trip to the grocery store could turn into an ordeal.


The founder also saw the untapped food growing potential that lawns held. Instead of lawns being something that produce little value and cost to maintain,  he saw that lawns could produce fresh produce for landowners.


This reduces the number of trips needed to go to the grocery store, ensures a fresh supply of produce, and reduces the carbon footprint of consumers by avoiding having their food packaged or shipped.

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Travel Radius






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rototilling, soil tilling, compost pit, soil, tree planting
rototilling, soil tilling, compost pit, soil, tree planting
rototilling, soil tilling, compost pit, soil, tree planting


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Pesticide and Pest Control

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Dig Deep offers services such as tilling the soil to make planting easier, amending the soil to increase its fertility, mulching, planting, maintaining, and harvesting crops. The company will expand its line of services in the future.

    Growing your own food is one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences you can engage in with nature. Not only does this allow you to connect with nature, it allows you to provide yourself and your family with fresh produce without leaving your property. ​ Gardening is a way to connect to the Earth in a way that is both good for you and the environment. It is good for your family because you know exactly where your food comes from and exactly what goes into it. Environmentally maintaining a garden is good for the Earth because it reduces the distance that food must travel to reach your plate, and your food is grown to little or no pesticides. Gardens can also help encourage biodiversity in your yard.
    At Planted Roots we believe in protecting the Earth and reducing our impacts on the environment. We practice integrated pest management (IPM). Which means that we do not spray food against weeds or insect pests until absolutely necessary.
    We plant a wide variety of fruit, vegetables and herbs. Customers can either purchase their own plants before hand, or they can have us purchase plants for them. ​ The species of plants that can be placed in a garden vary by location, amount of available space, time of the year, climactic conditions.
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Current plants offered

  • Tomatoes

  • Peppers

  • Potatoes

  • Basil

  • Oregano

  • Thyme

  • Rosemary

  • Sage

  • Green Onions

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Reach out to us today. We'd love to hear from you.

Phone: 404-477-4515

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Copyright © 2023 Dig Deep. All rights reserved.

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